him Spoken (viz) I give all that I have to my Sister Ellinor
Deery, my Brother Owen Quigley, and my Couzen John
Quigley and doe make them my Exrs doe amount to a Nun-
capative Will, and that the sd Deery was of a Sound Dispose-
ing mind at the time of the speakeing thereof] The Court of
Delegates did therefore ordr adjudge and Decree those words
soe spoken by the said Deery to be the last Will of the said
Deery, and that the sd Ellinor Deery, Owen Quigley and John
Quigley are the Executors of the said John Deery And that
the said Garratt Vansweeringen pay unto the said John Quig-
ley the Summe of seaven Thousand seaven hundred ninety
seaven pds of Tobacco for Costs allowed the said Quigley for
his Charges, as by the said Decree of the said Court of Dele-
gates Remaineing upon Record in yor Lspps Court of Chancery
(Relation being thereunto had) more fully and more at large
it doth and may appeare. Now fforasmuch as the said
Comisso for the said Court issued out of yor Lspps: Court of
Chancery, and the said proceedings, and Decree thereupon
are there returned and Enrolled, and the said Garratt refuseth
to pay yor Petr his said Costs according to the said Decree
yor Petr humbly prayes yor Lspp: to grant him yor Lspps most
gracious Writt of Execution of the said Decree to the said
Garrat to be Directed, thereby Commanding him to obey the
same, and if he shall not be obedient thereunto, then that
process of Contempt as vsually of Course issue out of this
Court. And yor Petr as in Duty bound shall pray &ca
The said Garratt Vansweeringen did also at a Councell
held at the City of St Maries the 28th Day of March last prferr
his Peticon to his Lspp: then in Councell wch was then read and
heard but the Debate thereof then referred untill the next
meeteing of the Councill be.
Peticon is as foll: (viz:)
To the Rtt Honble Charles Absolute Lord & Propry of the
Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore
The Humble Peticon of Garratt Vansweeringen
Humbly Sheweth.
That yor Peticoner being principall Creditor of John Deery
deed: pcured Lres of Admrcon from the Honble Judge for pro-
bate of Wills &ca And thereby possessed himself of the said
Deerys Estate, and was forced to pay severall Debts of the
sd Deerys, and for the paymt of his owne, and the other
Creditors Debts, And the better to Enable him to Administer
Duely, he was necessitated to Commence severall Actions
agt severall Drs of the said Deeryes, and amongst the rest agcon
Lib. R.