256 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1679.
Lib. R. R.
Jos. Pile
Joshua Doyne
Clemt Hill
James Bowling
Richd Gardner Gentl Justices
Geo: Thompson
Wm Boarrnan junr
Tho: Mudd
John Dent
Dedimus potestatem then issued to Capt John Coode &
Capt Gerard Slye
p. 169
By Vertue of a Warrant to me directed by the Right
Honoble the Lord Proprietary bearing date the twelfth Instant
I doe hereby order you to Issue proclamacons for the Pro-
rogueing the Assembly to the thirteenth day of Aprill next
Which shall bee in the Yeare One thousand six hundred and
eighty Lett them bee drawne in due forme in Parchment
and directed to the seaverall and respective Sherifies of the
seavll Countyes of this Province and brought to the seale wth
all Convenient Speed, and for soe doing this shall bee your
Warrant Philip Calvert Cane.
To the Honoble Wm Calvert Esq.
principall Secry of this Province of Maryland
[Commission to Justices.]
Charles absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To our
Trusty and well beloved John Coade Gerrard Slye William
Hatton Richard Lloyd Joseph Pile Joshua Doyne Clement
Hill James Bowling Richard Gardner George Thompson
William Boreman Junr Tho: Mudd and John Dent Gent,
Know yee that wee have assigned you and every one of you
Joyntly and seaverally Justices to Keep the Peace in the
County of Saint Maries, and to Keepe and Cause to be kept
all ordinances Statutes and Acts of Assembly made for the
good of the peace and Conservacon of the same and for the
p. 171
Quiett Rule and Governmt of the people in all and every the
Articles thereof in the said County According to the force
forme and effect of the same, and to Chastise and punish all
persons offending against the forme of those Ordinances,
Statutes Acts or any of them, in the County aforesaid, as
according to the forme of those ordinances statutes and Acts
shall be fitt to bcc done And to cause to come before you or
any of you all those persons Who shall threaten any people in