consent aforesaid publish & make knowne that noe more then
twenty pounds of tobacco shall be hereafter allowed for
serving any citation from the Chancelor any Rule or ordr of
Court to the contrary notwithstanding and Doe hereby strictly
charge & command all and singular the Sheriffes of this Prov-
ince to serve all such Citations as they shall from time to time
receive from the Chancelors Office, exacting or Demanding
noe greater ffee or gratuity for the same then the summe of
twenty pdsof tobo as aforesaid as they will answer the contrary
at their perill And I Doe hereby will and require all and
singular his Lopps Justices of the Peace within this Province
that they care & cause the premisses to be made knowne and
proclaimed by the Sheriff of their County or his Deputy in the
most publick places of their County, causeing a Coppy hereof
fairely to be transcribed and affixed to the Door of the County
Court House where they serve. Given at the Citie of St
Maries undr my hand and Lesser Seale of this Province this
17th Day of October in the third yeare of the Dominion of the
Rtt Honble Charles &ca over this Province Annoq Domini
At a Councell held at John Bakers at the Citie of St Maries
the 21th Day of October in the third yeare of the Dominion
of the Rtt Honble Charles &ca Annoq Domini 1678.
Thomas Notley Esqr Governor
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
William Calvert Esqr Secry
The Honble Baker Brooke Esqr Surveyr Genll Prsent
Ltt Coll. Thomas Tailler
Coll: Henry Coursey
Major Benjamin Rozer
The Chancelor mooves the Governor and Councell to settle
some certain ffees belonging to his Office both as Chancelor
and Judge in Causes Testimentary wch were omitted in the
list of ffees formerly settled, viz.