thought necessary & by means of short Offsetts from the Line
now run may describe & fix the Eastern Boundary of this
Province. I should have gone myself to Newcastle on this
Occasion was I not obliged to hold a Chancery Court the 14th
Inst. & the Provincial Court being also next Week it was as
impossible for Mr Bordley to attend the Meeting. I observe
what you say relative to the North Boundary's being extended
so far as the Meridian of the Spring Head of what is called
the South Branch of Potowmack & shall in due time notify the
same to the other Commissioners. Agreable to His Ldp's
pleasure signified to me by Your Letter dated the 24th of
April I have given Mr Bacon an Order on Colo Lloyd for His
Ldp's Gift of £100 Stg the Acts of Assembly by him collected
& revised being now in the Press, the other £100 & the £50
which His Ldp & you intended to subscribe 1 have not paid
by reason that Mr Bacon tells me enough Money is already
subscribed & paid in to defray the Expence of Paper & print-
ing so that if that £150 was also paid in it would be so much
the longer before the several Subscribers could be reimbursed
& Mr Bacon himself would receive no Benefit from such Pay-
ments, since he is not to touch a Shilling untill every sub-
scriber shall have been satisfied. As the Gentlemen of the
Lower House had behaved in such an extraordinary manner
when the Upper House & I invited them to join with us in an
Address to the King on His Majesty's Accession We could
not think of Convening the Lower House last Winter purely to
ask them to join Us in an Address on Occasion of their Maj-
esty's Nuptials, nor could I when they did meet recommend it
to them to Address on that Event as the Gentlemen of the
Council & I had sometime before transmitted to His Ldp our
joint Addresses which I have the pleasure to learn from the
London Gazette were presented by His Ldp & by Their Maj-
esties very graciously received. I am very sorry His Ldp
should have been made uneasy by any Disagreement that has
happened between the two Houses of Assembly, but as I am
persuaded that unless the Rights of His Ldp & the Powers
of Government had been sacrificed to the Lower House it
could not have been otherwise, I shall never repine at what
hath happened but if such Disagreement should in any
manner affect myself, tho if His Ldp is satisfied with my Con-
duct I do not conceive how that can happen it will be no small
Comfort to me to reflect that I have on every Occasion since
I was honoured with His Ldp's Commission conscientiously
endeavoured to discharge my Duty. If Mr Young is ruined
he can blame no one but himself, his Conduct was such as
would have left no room for Complaint had he been deprived
of both the Offices he held but when only that of the two from