to have me go in obedience to Ld Hillsborough's Requisition.
Mr Bacon the Rector of All Saints' Parish in Frederick County
the very best Living in the Province being dangerously ill so
that his Life is despaired of Mr Allen has thereupon desired
Me to give him an Induction immediately on Mr Bacon's
Decease which I shall do in obedience to your Ldp's Instruc-
tions tho the Parishioners I know are desirous to have it
divided. I am —
[Sharpe to Hamersley.]
Copy of Letter to Mr Hamersley. Dated Annapolis
15 May 1768 transmitted by.
Dr Sr
I have not since I wrote to you the Ist of last Month had the
pleasure to receive any Letter either from His Ldp or yourself
tho several Ships have lately arrived here from London, which
I mention lest any should have been by you sent to the Mer-
chants to be transmitted & have been by them mislaid & for-
gotten. You will see by the inclosed Transcript that the
Vestry of Coventry Parish still oppose Mr Hughs's taking Pos-
session of the Church but the Parishioners will I doubt not
e'er long become sick of their Pretensions, when they find
that the Attorney Genl will take Cognizance of those who
have presumed to commit any Violence & call them to answer
for their Proceedings in the Provincial Court. Having by the
last Post from New York received some Letters from Ld
Hillsborough by which I am required to send him a compleat
Collection of all the Laws in force within this Province an
Account of the several Manufactures that may have been
established here & also to transmit to him regularly & punc-
tually all Acts & Proceedings of Government & Legislature
& such Papers as have any Relation thereto, I have agreeable
to My Lord Baltimore's pleasure lately signified to Me now
sent my answers to those Letters under Cover to His Ldp
together with a Copy of such my answers, & an Extract of
one of Lord Hillsboroughs that seems to be particular ; As I
have for my part always answered the Letters I have received
from the Secretaries of State & wrote to them as often as any
extraordinary Occurrence here seem'd to make a Letter from
me expedient & pertinent I am a little at a loss what farther
is now expected & should be glad to know what Kind of Acts
& Proceedings of Government & the Legislature here are
now required ; Does His Ldp mean the Journals as well as
Copies of all the Acts of Assembly that may from time to
time be made here & an Account of every thing that may
come under the Consideration of the Council or how far is