554 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
Ordered That Captn Nathl Smith be required to deliver to
Captn John Fulford 9 Cannon of 9 Pounders, already mounted
upon Carriages with all the necessary apparatus thereto
belonging, and a sufficient quantity of Ball for said Cannon.
Copy of Letter No 61 was sent to Colo James Kent.
Commission was made out to Wm Woolsey Commander of
the schooner Harlequin, and Bond taken according to the
Resolves of Congress.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Aquila Paca
Captn Harford
£69.. 5-
Jno Beidle Hall,
1 Lt
47.. 10..
Michl Gilbert
2 Lt
47.. 10..
John Patterson
37- 5-
Ordered That said Treasurer pay to James Taylor eleven
pounds, sixteen shillings & six Pence for Gun Carriages.
Captain John Allen Thomas being ordered by the Honor-
able Convention with his Company to Philadelphia, the good
people of this Province are requested to give him every assist-
ance in their Power on his march, and to furnish him with
Carts &c, which may be proper, all necessary expences will
be defrayed by the Council of Safety.
Ordered That Capt Rezin Beall immediately furnish out of
his Company, as many muskets with Bayonets, as will com-
pleatly arm Captn John Allen Thomass Company.
Ordered That a Captain and other proper officers with
thirty Privates of the militia in Kent County march immedi-
ately to that part of Worcester County, which is nearest Chin-
goteague in Accomack County in Virginia to guard the Pow-
der &c: belonging to this Province from thence to Chester
Town, and that they be requested further to march to Chingo-
teague for that purpose
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western-shore pay Dr
Wallace fifteen Pounds, four shillings and nine Pence on Acct
of Infirmary.
Copy of Letter No 62 was sent to Captn R. Beall
63 to Vanbebber & Harrison
64 to Commee of Worcr County
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western shore pay to
Colo Hawkins for use of Lt B. Bracco one hundred Pounds, for
that Part of Captain Beall's Compy with the small Pox at Port
Ordd That said Treasurer pay to
Majr Jenifer
£28 —
Cy for 40
Day's Attend :
Bar: Carroll
2.. 16..
for 4
J. Hall
25.. 18..
for 37
Colo Plater
9.. 2..
for 13