of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 511
[Montagu to Eden.]
Fowey off Annapolis Md 23d June 1776.
Sir. I have the happiness to acquaint you that last night I
arrived here with his Britannick Majesty's ship the Fowey
under my Command, agreeable to an order from Captain
Hammond of his Majesty's ship the Roebuck, and senior
officer of his Majestys ships at Virginia, and in consequence
of your application to him, I have hoisted the flag of truce at
my foretop gallant masthead to shew that I am not come in an
hostile manner, and of which I desire you will be pleased to
acquaint the Inhabitants, that they may not offer any insults to
my officers & boats and on my part I shall hold the truce most
sacred. I have the pleasure to acquaint you that every accom-
modation the Fowey can afford is at your and your friends
service, and that my boats shall at any time be ready to attend
your coming off; and sent for your property.
I am Sir, Your very huml Servt Geo. Montagu.
To His Excellency Robert Eden Esqr
Monday 24th June 1776.
Met according to Adjournment. Present the same members
as on yesterday, except Major Jenifer.
Mr Hall attended.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Capt Luke Marbury three pounds, seven shillings and six
Pence Curry, for part of his Compy ordered on Duty by the
Committee of Observation.
Permit granted to John Riddell of the Colony of Virginia, to
pass from any Sea Port Town in this Province to Europe with
his Baggage (he having first produced a Passport from the
Committee of Safety of Virginia licensing such Departure).
Copy of Letter No 36 was sent to George Montagu Esqr
Commander of the Fowey.
Copy of Letter No 37 was sent to his Excellency Robt
Eden Esqr
Mr Hayward has leave of absence.
Copy of Letter No 38 was sent to Colo Matthews of Acco-
mack County.
The Council agreed with Messrs Jenifer and Hooe to load
the Schooner John, according to Charter-party of this date filed.
Ordered, That John Allen Thomas march the independent
Company under his command to Cedar Point or Susquehanna,
in the lower parts of St. Mary's County, and guard the shores
from thence to the river Potowmack, to prevent any servants,
negroes, or others from going on board the Fowey ship of
C. S. J.