C. S. C.
No. 15.
[Council to Frederick Committee.]
To the Committee of Observation for Middle District of
Frederick County.
Gentn We request you would send two Barrels of muskett
Gun Powder with all convenient speed to the Committee of
Observation for Skipton District, there to be lodged for their
defence in case of invasion. We will replace them by return
of the first waggons from below.
6th June 1776
No. 16.
[Council to Harrison.]
To Lieut Wm Harrison.
The Convention at their last sitting agreed with Mr Henry
Hollingsworth for a quantity of bayonets at 8/ each — as soon
as they are furnished, which we imagine will be shortly, we will
take care that you shall be supplied, and therefore would not
have you contract for any at a different Price. We are sorry you
are so very disagreeably circumstanced as well as to the situa-
tion of your station, as the smallness of your quarters, as we are
desirous of rendering matters as comfortable as possible for
you, request you will enquire whether there is a probability of
your being better provided at any other place on the Island,
and upon what Terms, that if we approve them, we may
remove you from your present Quarters as soon as possible.
You shall have oznabrigs as soon as we can spare it; we
expect some soon from Baltimore.
8th June 1776