Monday 22d April 1776.
Council met. Present as yesterday. Mr Smyth attended.
Captain Kell having resigned the Command of the Schooner
Dolphin, Duncan Hill was admitted and sworn Captain and
desired to advert to the Instructions heretofore given Capt
Kell and to govern himself by them.
The following Lines were addressed to the Committee of
Northampton County in Virginia, at the Foot of the Instruc-
tions (vizt)
" The Council of Safety return many Thanks to the Com-
mittee of Northampton County in Virginia for their friendly
Assistance heretofore to Capt Kell, and as he has resigned the
Command, request the Continuance of their Favour and
Advice to Captain Duncan Hill."
Captain John Allen Thomas has Leave to procure leathern
Caps for his independent Company instead of Hats.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Capt George Stricker fifty one pounds Eighteen Shillings for
102 Pair of Shoes and the Waggonage of them to Annapolis.
Resolved That there be a Convention of the Delegates of
this Province held at the City of Annapolis on Tuesday the 7th
of May next.
Copies of Letter No 127 were sent to the Delegates in Con-
vention for each County and District within the Province
respectively, and Copy of No 128 to the Deputies of this Prov-
ince in Congress.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Captain
John Allen Thomas 13 Musquets, 4 Rifles 6 Musquet Bullet
Moulds, 4 Rifle ditto, and 5 1.2 Bolts of Osnaburgs.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt
John Allen Thomas for Capt. Rezin Beall's independent Com-
pany 29 Musquets, 4 Rifles, Powder Horns Pouches and bullet
Moulds, 6 Musquet Bullet Moulds, 300 Gun Flints, 100 Gun
Slings, 62 Cartouch Boxes and Belts, 104 Hats and 5 Bolts of
Ordered That Capt John Allen Thomas be requested to
purchase all the Buck Shot he can procure in Saint Mary's
Ordered That Col. Joshua Beall be requested to send 4
Barrels and 20 Keggs of Musquet Gunpowder out of the
Gunpowder now in his Possession to the Committee of Obser-
vation for Charles County; and 35 Musquets from John Youst,
in a covered Waggon under a Guard of a commissioned Officer
and two Privates of Militia; the 35 Musquets for Captain
Rezin Beall's Company.
Ordered That the Committee of Observation for Charles
C. S. J.