manufactured in Pennsylvania. I am sorry it is not in my
power to render you a proper acct the Powder received from
Mr McLure, is from the best information I can get 34 Bbls
came from Philadelphia which was imported, the remainder of
the 43 was brought here by the Committee & now for the
Province the other 70 Barrels came from Philadelphia without
any accot therewith, and cant get any information from the
Committee here, the people who brought it could not give
any accot only that it was put in their care from Bush Town.
Capt Tibbit was here a few days ago and he informed me 18 1/2
Bbls of the 70 was some he brought and he further said the
other was imported. I have received some oznabrigs Roles
and Hessing from Lux & Bowley and also 12 large Roles
Lead. I informed the Council of the quality of the Powder, I
also informed them of 119 ps Hessing instead of 149 I note
what you say in regard to the receipts and deliveries.
I am sir Yr very Humble Servt
Gerrard Hopkins
[T. Smyth to Council.]
Chester Town April the 9th 1776.
Gentlemen. Capt Veazey as well as some other of the
Independent Captains on this shore are very uneasy that they
are not yet furnished with any arms nor amunition, more espe-
cially as they understand the troops on the W. Shore are
generally well armed & provided with Cloaths. I am sur-
prised that the arms &c which the Council determined before
I left them to order from Baltimore to this place for the use of
the E. Shore are not yet arrived. I am fearfull some accident
has happened to them.
I have been told that the militia on this shore begin to be
dissatisfied that they have not some proportion of ammunition
sent them. I hope there is some on its way before now, since
my return home I have purchased of the Gunsmith in this
Town 10 Riffles at £5. each which will be ready to be delivered
in two or three days & ten more may be had in about two weeks
more. I have also bought 80 pr shoes for the troops at 7/9
pr pair and if the Council would have me contract for the 200
pr which was talked about I can do it at io/ & not under, of
this they will please to write me :
Capt Veazey has bought as much cloth in the County as will
make 80 sutes & hopes to get as much more as will cloath his
whole company, if the Council should not have procured
Blankets enough for the troops some may be had in this