274 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C.
[W. Lux to Council.]
Baltimore 21 March 1776.
Gentlemen. By a letter I recd from Mr Bowly by this days
post he tells me our delegates had ordered all the sail cloth to
be left at Phila the other things were to come in the Packet on
Tuesday, I expect they mean to sell the sail cloth as the price
is very high there, we sold ours at £9. 10 p Bolt. If the
Gentn have not wrote you their reasons for doing it, I think you
had better order it down, as perhaps you may not soon meet
a further supply. Genl Lee got here last night and has been
to view our Battery, he thinks it very well executed, and that
it will answer the intention. He has taken Mr Massenbaugh
with him to Virga & says he understands his business & that
he cant do without him. I desired him to write you a line on
the occasion, because as you had been pleased to give him
the Como chiefly through my intercession, I desired to stand
acquitted to you, that he has promised to do. Mr Massenbach
would have waited on you to thank you for your favors, but
the Genl was in so great a hurry and said he must go with him.
I am with the highest respect, Gentn
Your most obedt Servt Willm Lux.
C. S. J,
Friday 22d March 1776.
Council met. Present as yesterday except Mr Carroll.
The Council contracted with Isaac Harris to make 200 Steel
Ramrods at 3/9 each.
Ordered That Col. Smallwood deliver to Lieutenant John
Steward 50 stand of French Arms, [4 Bolts Osnaburgs,] and
half a Ream of Cartridge paper for the use of Capt. John Allen
Thomas's independent Company.
Copy of Letter No 75 was sent to the Committee of Obser-
vation for Calvert County.
Ordered That the Captains of the several independent Com-
panies, and also the Captains of the Artillery Companies,
render a particular Account of the Expenditure of the Monies
supplied them for the use of their respective Companies, up
to the third Day of April next.
Adjourned till 3 O'Clock & met accordingly.
Copy of Letter No 76 was sent to Capt. John Allen Thomas.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore pay to the
Committee of Observation for Kent County or their Order,
their Account of Expences for sending Powder & Arms to
Queen Ann's, Talbot, and Dorchester Counties as well as the