[Sharpe to Baltimore.]
Annapolis 14th Octr 1760.
My Ld.
Having been lately advised by Mr Calvert that Your Ldp
had received the two Letters which I had the honour to address
to your Ldp the 27th of March & 4th of May last & that your
Ldp was pleased to approve of the Gentleman whom I took
the Liberty in the former of those Letters to recommend to
your Ldp's Favour, I am now to return Your Ldp Thanks for
your kind Compliance with my Request, being at the same
time assured that in Conferring such an honourable Mark of
Favour on Mr Ridout Your Ldp has taken a Step that you will
never have the least Reason to Repent. The Distemper with
which Colo Goldsborough had been so long afflicted having at
length deprived us of him, I shall after suffering a few Days more
to elapse (which I do out of Respect to the Memory of the De-
ceased) introduce Mr Ridout to the Council & have him qual-
ified agreeable to your Ldps Intention. The Articles of Agree-
ment into which Your Ldp was pleased to enter with the Pro-
prietaries of Pensilvania having been brought to me from
Philaa by an Express the 19th of last month together with your
Ldp's Commission appointing myself & six other Gentlemen
Commissioners on Your Ldp's Behalf to meet the Commis-
sioners from Pensa & carry the Articles of Agreement into
Execution, I immediately had Letters wrote to Colo Henry &
the other Commissioners who live at a Distance from Annapolis
to advise them of their being nominated by Your Ldp & to
desire them to meet here in the ensuing week (when the As-
sembly was to sit) to consult & agree on what Steps were to
be taken, after what manner the several Lines mentioned in
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