of Glory in the next, And that there may never want of your
Royall Offspring to succeed you in the Throne, as is and for
ever shall be the constant fervent and incessant prayers of
May it please your Majesties
Your Majties most humble, dutiful
loyal and obedient Subjects and
Edwd Man James Ross
William Combes John Dally
George Robotham William Ridgaway
Thomas Smithson John Stanley
Micha Turbutt V. Delahay
James Smith James Edmondson
Wm Finney Warlter Quinton
James Sedgwick Abraham Morgan
Sam Withers John Barker
John Edmondson William Troth
Wm Sharp John Whittington
Robt Smeth Rithard Sweatman
Anthony Rumball James Downes
Tho. Burtt James Benson.
Address of Talbot County to the King.
Recd, from my Ld Shrewsbury.
7th Febry 1689.
To the King and Queen's most Excellent Majtys
The Humble Recognition and Address of
Calvert County in the Province of Maryland.
Since heaven hath been pleased to bless your Sacred Maj-
esties with the Imperiall Crowne of your Realmes and Domin-
ions of which wee have received the blessed news to our com-
fort and rejoicing) we owne it our duty to Almighty God (by
whom Kings reign) to acknowledge His gracious protection,
and preservation of your Royal Persons, through many dan-
gers and difficulties to make you the Redeemers of his people,
and the Defenders of their Religion.
Wee beg with all humility your Majestys would be pleased
to give us leave to acknowledge your undoubted Right and
Title to all your Realms Territorys and Countreys, particularly
to this Province of Maryland to which wee do belong. As we
have to the utmost of our power owned and asserted the
same against the great Oppositions we have met with here, so
we will with our lives and fortunes still demonstrate our duty