[Sharpe to Pitt.]
22d feby
Since I came to this Place in Obedience to a Letter which I
was lately favoured with by the Earl of Loudoun I have had
the pleasure to receive one from yourself dated the 27th of
Decemr last wherein you were pleased to advise me of your
being appointed One of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of
State & to direct me for the future to address my Letters
accordingly. I had the honour also to receive inclosed in the
same Letter a Copy of His Majesty's most gracious Speech to his
Parliament on the 2d of Decemr last & Copies of the Addresses
which were presented to His Majesty in answer thereto for
these I beg leave to make my Acknowledgments & at the
same time to assure you that I shall at all times take Care to
send you the earliest Advice of every thing worthy Notice
that might occur in the Province with the Govern' of which I
have the honour to be entrusted. At present Things continue
in Maryland as they have been for a considerable time, three
Companies of 100 Men each being supported at the Expence
of the Province to garrison a Fort which is building just beyond
our Westernmost Settlements & to patroll on the Frontiers,
our Back Inhabitants are well satisfied & think themselves
pretty secure from Danger. No Mischief has been done
among them for a long time neither has any Enemy been
seen on our Frontiers since the Beginning of Winter, I am
now waiting the Earl of Loudoun's Arrival at this Place where
he is daily expected being already returned as we are informed
from Boston to N York, with &c
[Sharpe to Loudoun.]
Phila 23d of Feby 1757.
My Ld
It gives me great Pleasure to hear & to find by the Letter
which I had last Night the honour to receive from your Ldp
that after a fatiguing Journey you are arrived in good health
at N York. I shall with pleasure wait your Ldp's Arrival
here to have an Opportunity of paying my Respects in Person
to your Ldp, but as our Assembly is by my Appointment to
meet the 10th of next Month I must beg the favour of your Ldp
to let it be signified to me whether you will have any Com-
mands for me at this Place after the fifth of next Month that ii
I may not be certain of returning to Annapolis on that Day at
farthest I might send timely Orders to have the Assembly
prorogued to a longer Day.
I am &c.