P. R. O.
Iames Cittie.
The 14th March 1633. (-4.)
Sir Iohn Harvey Knight Governor.
Capt. Iohn West Capt. Iohn Utie
Capt. Sam: Mathew Capt. Tho: Purfry
Capt. Claiborne Capt. Hugh Bullock.
Mr Wm Farrar Capt. Wm Perry.
Captaine William Claiborne requested the opinion of the
Board how he should demeane himself in respect of the Lord
Baltimore's Patent and his deputies now seated in the Bay for
that they had signified unto Capt: Claiborne that he was now
a member of that Plantation and therefore should relinquish all
relation and dependancy on this Colony.
It was answered by the Board that they wondered why there
should be anie such question made. That they knew no
reason why they should render up the right of that place of the
Isle of Kent more then anie other formerly given to this Colony
by his Majesty's Patent and that the right of my Lords graunt
being yet undetermined in England we are bound in dutie
and by our oaths to maintaine the rights and privileges of this
Colony. Nevertheless in all humble submission to his Majesty's
pleasure we resolve to keepe and observe all good correspond-
ancy with them no way doubting that they on their parts will
intrench upon the Interests of this his Majesty's Plantation.
At Patuxon.
Die 20mo Junii Anno Domini 1634.
The questions that were demanded of the kinge of Patuxon
by the interpretor in the pretence of Captaine Samuell Mathew,
Captaine John Uty, Captaine William Peirce and Mr Thomas
Hinton, and likewise in the hearing of Mr George Calvert, Mr
Frederick Winter and divers others, Captaine Clayborne also
being there.
Att our goeing ashore the Interpretor was first sworne
uppon the Holy Evangelists, that to the best of his under-
standing hee should truely and faithfully deliver the questions
following, and the king's answers, as neere as hee could to the
true meaning thereof, without favour or affection, spleene or
malice, or any respect whatsoever. The persons above named
went ashore where the Indians whose names followe came
unto us. All private conference was forborne with them
And we told the kinge that wee had some busines to speake
unto him, whereuppon he made choice of those Indians,
and went to a place aparte viz. Wannis the greate kinge of