Octobr 4th 1667 New Comcon then issued for the Peace in
Caluert County, ut est in folio 246, for the
County of Ann Arrundell the Commrs for that County and in
the said Comcon encluded are as followeth (uizt)
Major Tho: Brookes Fran: Anketill
Thomas Sprigg George Peake
Charles Brookes of the Quorum Will: Groome
John Abington Tobias Norton
Hugh Stanley these foure
not of the Quorum
Also in said Comcon is Appointed John Gittings Clerke of
the Records in the said County Court of Caluert Which said
Courts are to be kept on such dayes as is appointed by the
Act of Assembly in such Cases prouided—
Charles Caluert Esqr Capt Generall of all the forces wthin
this prouince of maryland undr the Rigt Honble Caecilius Abso-
lute Lord & Propr thereof To the Honble Philip Caluert Esqr
Greeting According to the power to mee by his said lopp
Comitted and upon the speciall trust and Confidence I haue in
yor fidelity circumspeccon courage and good Conduct I doe
hereby Constitute Ordaine and Appoint yow Comandr in cheife
undr mee of all the forces that att prsent are raised or which
hereafter shall be raised or come in undr yor Comand to march
in this expedicon att present intended in Talbott County against
any Indians that are or shall be declared held knowne or reputed
Enemyes to the Inhabitants of this prouince, Giuing and Grant-
ing to yow the sd Philip Caluert full power and Authority to
depute ordaine and appoint such and soe many Officers as
shall be accordingly qualifyed and of ability to Officiate undr
yor Comand, which said power, or Comand soe by yow Giuen
by uertue hereof shall be as firme and Effectuall to all intents
and purposes as if the same wth the like power should imediately
deriue from mee to the said Officer or Officers as aforesaid
which forces aboue menconed yow are hereby required to
muster Exercise and traine up in the Art of Warr and in
Military discipline and in all things to doe as any Comandr in
Cheife may or of right ought to doe to the resistance and