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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 536   View pdf image (33K)
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                 536    Court and Testamentary Business, 1649—50.


            Liber A.   Assignes the full and iust some of seaven hundred and twenty

                  pounds of good sound merchantable Tobacco and well con

                  diconed in leafe and Caske due to bee paid at or before the

                  tenth day of November next ensueing the date hereof As

                  witnes my hand this 19th day of december 1649

                                          The Marke of John Price

                  Witnessed by vs Testis

                    Richard Browne Geo: Saughier


                    7o Mantis 1650 Georg Manners Attorney of Jo: Vnderhill

                  acknowledgeth that hee hath received 297' of Tob: in Caske

                  vppon the Bill aboue recited. witnes his hand



                    21o January I doe appoint Georg Manners my Attorney

                  for mee & in my behaulf to psecute & defend all Causes in

                  Court concr ning me witnes my hand

                                                Nicholas Gwither

                  Testes Tho: Hatton


                    21o January Thomas Bushell his marke for Cattell and

                  Hoggs viz: Both Eares overkeeld slitt downe to the midle of

                  the Eare and the fore part taken off.


                    21o January ffrancis Antell his Marke for Cattell and Hoggs

                  viz: The Topp of the left Eare cutt off and a hole in each



               17 decembr Thomas Sturman his Marke for Cattell and

                  Hoggs viz: the right Eare Cropt and two slitts in the Cropp

                  and the left Eare slitt


                    20 decembr Anno 1644 Received of Nich: Cawse one

                  hhd of Tob: qt 240 l neat, by the appointmt of Mr Richard Ingle

                  for the vse of Mr Thomas Herne I say received this ffebr

                    me ffred: Johnson

                    More received three hhds by the appointmt of Mr Ingle for

                  the vse of the a foresaid Thomas Hearne I say received p me

                  ifred Johnson Ano 1644


                    20 decembr ffebruary 18. 1648 Knowe all men by these

                  presents that I James Johnson for divers Causes mee there

                  vnto moving doe by these prsents give and deliver the day and

                  yeare aboue written one pied Cowe Calf that is nowe fallen

                  this prsent moneth Marked on the right Eare with a Cropp

                  and a slitt in the Cropp and the left Eare swallowe forked to

                  Thomas Bennett, and if the said Thomas shall dye before bee


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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