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Court and Testamentary Business, 1637. 21
28. ffebr. Capt: Henry ffleete acknowledgeth himselfe to Liber Z. owe vnto Leonard Calvert &c five hundred weight of tobacco p. and caske and five barrells of good come shalled; to be paid vnto the said Leonard Calvert his heires exequutors admrators or assignes on or before the last of November next. And if he shall not so doe, then he willeth and granteth for himselfe his heires exequutors & admrators that the said five hundred weight of tobacco and caske; and the said five barrells of shaled come be levied vpon the lands goods & chattells of him the said Henry ffleete wheresoever they shalbe found. Henry ffleete Recogn coram me John Lewger Secretary.
memorand that this Recognisance is made for a servant wch mr Secretary hath sold to the said Henry ffleete, to be with him till the first of november next, and then he is to returne to mr Secretaries disposing againe. and mr Secretary is to find him in the meane time wth sufficient bedding & clothing.
At the County Court holden at St maries on the p. 43 of ffebruary 1637 before the Lieutenant generall, Captaine Robert wintour; and mr John Lewger Secretary; of the Counsell of this Province The Sheriff returned for the grand Enquest twenty foure freemen; 1 Thomas Greene, gent 1 Thomas ffranclin 1 Nathaniel Pope 1 marmaduke Snow,gent 1 John medley 1 Robertvaughan 1 ffrancis Rabnett; 1 ffrancis Gray 1 John Smithson 1 John Price 1 John Halfehide 1 Robert Percy 1 Henry James 1 xpofer martin 1 James Cauther 1 Andrew Chappell 1 Thomas Nabbs 1 Rainold ffleete 1 John Robinson 1 John Courtis 1 Isaac Edwards 1 Henry Bishop 1 Thomas morris 1 Thomas baldridge who appeared & chose for their foreman Marmaduke Snow and were sworne truely to enquire and true presentment to make of all such bills as should be given them in charge in behalfe of the Lord Proprietor according to the evidence. then were sworne to give true evidence Capt. Cornwaleys Cutbert ffennick Anthony Cotton Edward ffleete John nevill william Lewis
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