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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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    Court and Testamentary Business, 1637.      19


      had his deserts he had beene hanged in new England; to the                   Liber Z.

      great scandall and defaming of the said James Claughton; and

      for this he doth bring his suite &c.

                                    James Claughton


        the same day came the said Anthony Cotton and acknowl

      edgeth the said bill to be true.



        this action is likewise withdrawen by the plaintif, this 30th

      march 1638

                                    James Claughton


        Thomas ifranclin and Edward ffleete acknowledge themselves

      to owe vnto the Lord Proprietr three hundred weight of

      tobacco, each of them, &c

        the condition of this recognisance is that if the said Thomas

      ifranclin and Edward ificete shall appeare at next Court to

      give testimony in a cause depending hetweene James Claughton

      and Anthony Cotten; then this recognisance to be void or

      els&c.                             TF

        this Recognisance is withdrawen. x Edward ffleete

           John Lewger, secretary.


        26. feb. Anthony Cotton and Edward ffieetc acknowledgeth

      themselves severally to owe vnto the Lord Proprietr five hun

      dred weight of tobacco &c.

        The condition of this Recognisance is that if the said Anthony

      Cotton shall appeare by himselfe or his attorny at the next

      Court to be held at St maries after lawfull warning thereof

      given vnto him; and shall abide and performe the iudgement

      of the Court, in a cause depending betweene the said Anthony

      deft and James Claughton plf; then this recognisance to be

      void &c

      Recogn coram me A C this Recognisance is cancelled

      John Lewger secretary Edward ffleete John Lewger,


      26 ffebr                                                                                          p. 38


        Anthony Cotten made oath that he went in bodily feare of

      his life from James Claughton ; & desired a warrant of the

      peace agst him. wch was granted.


        Memorand that the 26th of ffebruary anno dni 1637 James

      Cloughton of maryland mariner in proper person came before

      me John Lewger Secretary of the same Province and assumed


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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