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court and Testamentary Business, 1637. 15
1 2 feb. Liber Z.
this day came before me John Richardson & acknowiedgeth himselfe to have sold all his right & interest in 50 acres of cleared land or thereabouts lying vpon a creek now called wickliffs creeke, with three housings therevpon built vnto Capt George Evelin gent; in consideration of 300 l Wt of merchant able leafe tobacco to be paid vnto Ralphe Beane or his assigne on or before the 10th of november next + the mrke of John Richardson
29th Aprill this day the said George Evelin discharged the said 300 l of tobacco: by a bill fro Thomas Stent, where wth the said Ralphe Beane is satisfied; & likewise the said John Richardson acquitteth the said George Evelin of the said 300 l of tobacco.
at a Court holden at St maries p. 33 25th ffebr. 1637. Came william vpton mariner and complained by word of mouth agst Captaine Thomas Cornwaleys, for that the said Tho: Cornwaleys did deliver one hogshead of tobacco to the plf as good & merchantable, which afterward proved naught, & therefore desired that he might have satisfaction in other merchan table tobacco. And the said Thomas Cornwaleys defended himselfe like wise by word of mouth & saith that he received the said hogs- head of tobacco of John medley as good & merchantable, and delivered it to the plf with this caution if you like it take; if not refuse it: & afterward this plf did accept of it, & there fore the deft conceived himselfe not bound to make it good. And vpon the debating of the cause, Roger moy deposed that Robt Nicholls told him that the tobacco was wetted by John medley, and Robt nicholls deposed that the tobacco was never wetted to his knowledge, and that he never told Roger moy any such thing. And the Judge determined, that it was not wetted by the fault of John medley, & therefore that the plf received it at his owne perill; & should not recover agst the deft
a Copie of a Recognisance 26. ffebr 1637. This day came before me Leonard Calvert Esq Leiutent grall of this Province Robert Nicholls and John Medley of St maries hundred planters and acknowledge themselves indebted vnto Justinian Snow the full somme of two hundred and ten pound of good merchantable tobacco to be paid vnto the said
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