That Writts shall issue out for summoning an Assembly to
meete on the Last Tuesday in ffebruary next, & that the writts
issue vnder the Seale of the Province
To the honnoble the Governor & Councell &c
The humble petition of John Abington on the
behalfe of Capt Thomas Cornwaleys.
That the said Thomas Cornwaleys departing this Province,
did vpon the second of June 1659. Constitute Richard Hotch-
keys his whole and sole Attorney of the Estate of the said
Cornwaleys soe to dispose as by the said Letters of Attorney
is limitted and appointed now ready to be produced. That the
said Hodgkeys is since dead, and hath constituted and
authorized your Petitioner with the same power that hee him-
selfe had as by writting vnder his hand dated the 15th of
October last appeareth. That the said Cornwaleys by his
letter dated the 27th of Iuly to the said Hotchkeys directed
hath appointed your petitioner to receiue Tobaccoes for the vse
of him the said Cornwaleys
Now soe it is that the severall Debtors to the Estate
of the said Capt Thomas Cornwaleys doe refuse to pay
any Tobacco to your Petitioner vpon the accompt of
the said Cornwaleys as not conceiueing him thereto
sufficiently impowered Wherefore your Petitioner desires
the Opinion of the honnoble Board, and such order vpon
Consideration of the whole matter as the same shall
require, and be for the Preservation of the said Estate.
And your Petr shall pray &c.
Vpon reading of this petition of John Abington for and on
the behalfe of Capn Thomas Cornwaleys, And vpon Consider-
ation that this Board is intrusted with secureing the Rights
(lying within this province) of all men, and of the letter of the
said Capn Cornwaleys dated 27 of July in the petition men-
tioned. The Board doe allow the said John Abington as